Cali Omelette My Way: Stuffed with Avocado, Bacon, and Pepper Jack Cheese — Dash of Les

Hey! I'm Leslie! Join me in my Food meets fashion adventure!


Cali Omelette My Way: Stuffed with Avocado, Bacon, and Pepper Jack Cheese

California Avocados. They're a wonder, I tell you. They're also my single most favorite ingredient. I'm quite certain that many of you feel the same way. We avocado consumers don't simply "like" the buttery green goodness., "like" doesn't do our feelings justice for the versatile fruit. We are head over heels in love. Like, crazy, passionate, unadulterated affair, kind of love. And we don't just "eat" avocados. No...we devour. We inhale. We make sweet love to each and every creamy bite.

It's a good thing I moved to the west coast. My avocado problem is a little easier to manage out here. They're cheaper and they're almost always ripe the same day you buy 'em. Pretty stellar set-up, huh? Oh, and I've come to learn that the second you throw an avocado in any dish - you've just made it "California style." Boom.

That's where today's recipe comes in. California omelettes. I've seen them made more ways than I can count. Filled with ham, with chicken, or with no meat at all. Stuffed with peppers, sprouts, spinach, mushrooms, name it. I've seen it all. Finished off with a dollop of salsa, guac, or sour cream...they're all common toppings to the ever-changing stuffed and folded egg.


But...there's one ingredient that almost always makes its presence known. The avocado. Because no dish is truly "Cali-style" unless the avocado has shown up to the party.

Oh my California omelette has chopped avocado galore. It also has crispy, crunchy bacon because I can think of no better pair than avocados and bacon. It has Pepper jack cheese for some melty, spicy, decadence. And it's liberally "sprinkled" with chopped vine-ripened tomatoes and green onion since vegetables are good for you and all.


This isn't exactly the prettiest omelette I've ever made. A real shame too since I'm kinda known for my picture-perfect breakfast dish. A little on the thin side, and with little cheese exposed, I'm not exactly tooting my own horn with the presentation this time around. it as it may, it's when I had my camera pulled out ready for an omelette photo shoot.


California Omelette: The Dash of Les Way


2 large eggs, furiously beaten with salt, pepper, and a dash of water (or milk)

2 pieces crumbled bacon (I bake mine in the oven on a foil-lined pan at 400 degrees for 20 minutes)

1/2 avocado, halved, seeded, and chopped

1/3 cup shredded pepper jack cheese

1/4 cup vine-ripened tomato, chopped

1/4 cup green onion, chopped (both the dark and light green parts)

Hot sauce, salsa, or sour cream to top it off


1) Make sure your eggs are beaten well. I suggest beating them for a solid 2 minutes. I use a fork. Call me crazy.

2) If you have a small omelette pan, use it. Otherwise, bring a small (5-6 inch diameter) and very shallow non-stick pan to medium heat with plenty of cooking spray (I use EVOO spray). If your omelette pan is slightly bigger, then use 3 eggs instead of 2 and increase the fillings accordingly.

3) When pan has been heating up for 30 seconds, carefully pour in the beaten egg mixture, making sure it doesn't splash up on the sides. Let sit for 3 minutes on medium heat. Then, place clear lid on top and keep a very careful eye. When egg is just starting to firm up, but is still soft and very moist, remove lid and add the chopped avocado, tomato, bacon, cheese, and green onion to one side of the omelette.

4) Using a very thin rubber or plastic spatula (the more flexible the spatula, the better) maneuver one side of the omelette, folding it over, ever-so carefully to the other side. You may even need to gently "push" the folded side on top and press down slightly. Then, remove pan from heat and top with lid for 2 minutes or until cheese has completely melted.

5) Using the rubber spatula again, carefully lift up on the bottom of the omelette and tilt the pan, gently sliding the omelette onto a plate. Top with extra green onion, avocado, hot sauce, etc.


***This is not the authentic French way of preparing an omelette. Most people have their own modified technique and once mastered, they live by it. 


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